Not Grandpa’s original farmstead, but the one where he raised all his kids. While I remember visiting Grandpa and Grandma in the original house, they sold the farm to my Uncle and moved to town in the late 50’s. He demolished it and built a “modern” house in the 60’s.
If you look closely you can see the spot where the old house was. It’s that darker square just on the other side of the trees from the new house.
The original garage is still there. Its the building on the other side of the road. All the machinery and vehicles were repaired in the shop. In the fall it was also used for butchering beef for everybodys freezer.
My uncle farmed it another 20 years before selling to my brother and moving to another location. My brother farmed it for a number of years before sub-dividing out the yard, selling that to a neighbour’s father-in-law. The rest of the land was sold to another neighbour who still farms it to this day.

Grandpa and Grandma were the first couple married in St Isidores Catholic Church back in 1913. Also known as the Allerston Church – it was named for my Grandmothers Dad who was the land agent that brought many of the new farmers into the area.