2024 Mar 9 | Blog, Coffee, Food, Photography, Product
Coffee with home baked treats simply cannot be beat! That’s what Kim and Kim & Co Coffee and Gift Shop says and this definitely went well with my coffee. Share...
2024 Mar 4 | Blog, Coffee, Photography, Product
I have been searching for software that will allow me to tether my camera to my Ipad. There are a number of programs that will allow me to tether to either a PC or a Mac. I have Capture One, ON1, and Lightroom and all will tether to my desktop. However I traded my...
2024 Mar 1 | Blog, Nature, Photography, Seasons
Spring is officially here – the gophers made their appearance in the area on February 27. May have been earlier, but that is when I saw my first gopher for this year. I am sure we will still have a few more snowstorms, but they will be short lived and it is not...