Freedom Convoy heading back from Coutts

Freedom Convoy heading back from Coutts

Over 200 vehicles participated in the second anniversary of the Freedom Convoy from Lethbridge to Coutts and back. The goal of the convoy was to raise awarness of the issues and money for legal fees for Chris Lysak, Tony Olienicke, Chris Carbet, Jerry Morin and James...
January 28 – High On Ice

January 28 – High On Ice

Fort St. John comes alive every winter with the High on Ice festival. For residents and visitors alike, this annual event transforms the city into a winter wonderland of ice and snow. High on Ice is not just a festival; it’s a celebration of community spirit and...
January 27 – Exploring an Old farmstead

January 27 – Exploring an Old farmstead

Nestled in the vast landscapes of Southern Alberta lie remnants of a bygone era – abandoned farmsteads that whisper tales of the past. These silent witnesses to history stand as poignant reminders of the pioneers who once tamed the wild prairies with dreams of...
January 27 – Wrentham Elevators

January 27 – Wrentham Elevators

Located on the rail line between Stirling and Foremost, Wrentham was once a thriving farming community boasting four large elevators (three Alberta Wheat Pool, and one Ogilvies, a school, a famous general store, and a gas...
January 26 – Pine Grosbeak

January 26 – Pine Grosbeak

The Pine grosbeak is a large (measuring 8-10 inches in length) member of the finch family and is found mostly in coniferous woods across Canada and Russia.. Camera was the Nikon D300 with the 300 2.8 lens on a tripod at 1/80 of a second at F5.6 and ISO 280  ...