Spring has Sprung in Southern Alberta

Spring has Sprung in Southern Alberta

Spring is officially here – the gophers made their appearance in the area on February 27. May have been earlier, but that is when I saw my first gopher for this year. I am sure we will still have a few more snowstorms, but they will be short lived and it is not...
Another eclectic mix from across time

Another eclectic mix from across time

Our featured image is from a recipie created for Petersen’s Re/Max Journal, a custom publication created for Rich Petersen who was the broker for the Re/Max brokerage in Fort St John. Dealing with hunting stories in north eastern BC, the magazine had a regular...
An eclectic mix from across the decades

An eclectic mix from across the decades

We start with a photo of a competitor competing in the Butterfly Stoke swimming competition in the 2007 BC Northern Winter Games. Hockey, hockey, and more hockey and what would one of these posts be without a couple of the many thousands of hockey photos from over the...
Chinook Sunrises: A Captivating Sight

Chinook Sunrises: A Captivating Sight

December 7, 2020, marked a breathtaking moment in Milk River, Alberta, as the sun rose over the Sweetgrass Hills, casting a golden glow on the landscape. The hills, are one of the highest points between the Rocky Mountains to the west and Ontario to the east, Milk...